Praise from Industry Luminaries

"I've always enjoyed reading John Doody's research. It's terrific – comprehensive, accurate, honest, and succinct. He's been one of the very best mining analysts in the world," Pan American Silver founder Ross Beaty said when asked for his thoughts on John's retirement. "GSA was always refreshingly different from most others... It was packed with good information, full of John's iconic wisdom, and a great companion for any investor interested in gold companies big and small."
"John's also a really nice guy, and I'm very proud to have known him for so many years. I wish him well." Beaty added, "I hope he still comes to some of the mining conferences I go to, so I'll still be able to keep in touch with him."
Pan American Silver founder Ross Beaty

John put his subscribers first. He wanted to deliver the best possible recommendations to his investors. This made John independent in a business that is all too often serving other interests. I can tell you that he consistently asked the right questions and focused on the right issues, always diligent and willing to get into the details. I have fond memories of his last property visit which was to our Kerr-Sulphurets-Mitchell ("KSM") project in northwest British Columbia. He wanted to see it for himself.
John was unafraid to take a different view of the market, the industry, and individual companies. Many analysts are afraid to break from the pack. They give you the consensus opinion because it is safe. John was never like that. You always knew you were getting the straight goods, honestly and directly, as he understood them.
Seabridge Gold CEO Rudi Fronk